Institutional Relations Manager at Genneia S.A. with a demonstrated history of working in the renewables energies and energy industry. Skilled in Crisis Management, Public Affairs, Crisis Communications, Sustainabilty, Communications and Strategic Planning. Strong business development professional and media experience with a Bachelor’s Degree focused in History from Universidad Católica Argentina and Journalism (Deportea)
What has the development of wind energy been like in the last years in Argentina ?
The sanction of the law 27,191 of renewable energies promotion, the later regulation and the boost given by the tenders of RenovAr programme were crucial for the development of wind energy in the country, with encouraging figures. The construction of 69 wind parks were promoted by RenovAr and Mater (Market to Term of Renewable Energies). In CEA, out of that total, we represent 47 projects of investments of about 4,000 million dollars that are generating 3,500 jobs in seven provinces.
What is the current contribution of wind energy to the national system?
Our country already has 14 wind parks in commercial operation, taking into account what was already built by Genren and what was inaugurated by RenovAr. We can state that the current power generated by the wind already exceeds 1,000 MW and by the year 2020, more 2200 MW will have to be produced.
Have all these policies implemented about renewable energies promoted their development?
Of course, these tenders were the engine that boosted the growth of wind parks. Argentina boasts the capacity of its winds. And because of this, the development of projects in seven provinces of the country was easier.
Have the RenovAr programmes 1,1,5 and 2 been efficient tools for the sector? Should it be important to carry on with these programmes?
They have been a great instrument. It would be ideal to be able to continue in the future, but for this, it is necessary to comply with two key points: the construction of transport lines and an access to external financing that today, due to the current situation of the country, it is not advantageous. This big first step must be accompanied by predictability that will allow technologists and developers to rely on a projection for the coming years. For instance, the companies that are settling in the country to produce wind turbines have to have a production estimate. At the moment , they do not know it.
As regards the creation, on the part of the government, of the sectorial committee for clean energies; was it positive? Was it possible to achieve an effective and productive discussion of policies between the private and the public sector?
The sectorial committee meant another positive step, ideal to develop the learning curve.
We have exposed to all the actors involved, the different problems already solved in a variety
of ways. Thus, logistic issues that had to do with the transfer of towers and equipment were dealt with the Ministry of Transport; the difficulties with the early VAT refund are partly solved and the impulse for the signature of the first collective agreement of the wind activity together with Fatlyf is today at a final negotiation stage.
Has it been possible the development of a national industry that would provide some of the systems’ components? Are 100% of the components imported?
As we have said, there has been such great progress that RenovAr already has a park with towers fully built in Argentina (Villalonga, of Genneia) and also, Vestas with Newsan as well as Nordex with Fadea signed agreements to assemble nacelles in Argentina. There are imported components and many of them are already being manufactured in the country.
Were measures taken to accelerate the process of equipment imports?
Work was carried out with the corresponding bodies in accordance with what was established by RenovAr.
Are there any new technological developments that would make it possible a significant growth of this sector?
We can state firmly that currently, Argentina , as far as wind energy is concerned, has and will count on avant-garde equipment on the wind farms.
CEA has had a dramatic growth since its creation. What is your projection? What are the main objectives set for the current year?
The Chamber was created as there was a need to fill in empty spaces that hindered the development of a growing business. Its aim was to represent and defend the interests of the associated companies.
CEA has drawn together all the great actors of this activity and is increasing the number of associated companies due to the interest aroused by this activity. We have settled in the last two years and now, we seek to boost the development of an activity so that this great impulse would be continued over time.
Finally, we are in an election year, regardless of who wins. But, are the political forces really aware of the need to go on with the development of renewable energies?
Our intention is to get together with all the energy representatives of the different political parties to be able to discuss and put forward our projects and ideas. And also, to know what their future plans are like , governs who governs, as far as wind power is concerned.