“White Gold” Furore Currently, Argentina is the third world producer of lithium carbonate and is shaping up to take second place by 2022. Puna salt flats have become the new “star” of the local mining market with 2 projects in operation, other 3 projects in construction and 14 in advanced exploration. The Lithium market is...

Minery report Objetive 2025

 Versión español The National Government has predicted a strong increase in the mining activity in the oncoming eight years. What are the indicators that have been launched and what are the issues to be settled so as to achieve the outlined objectives? The support givento the mining sector by the government of Mauricio Macri has...

Informe minero Objetivo 2025

English versión El gobierno nacional augura un fuerte incremento en la actividad minera en los próximos ocho años. ¿Cuáles son los indicadores que ya se pusieron en marcha y qué cuestionamientos deberá zanjar para alcanzar los objetivos planteados? La señal de apoyo al sector minero del gobierno de Mauricio Macri fue fuerte desde el primer...

EL LITIO Un mineral estratégico

English versión Descubierto en 1817 y aislado por primera vez como metal libre en 1855, el litio ha tomado un fuerte impulso en los últimos años a partir del boom de las baterías eléctricas. Los salares de la Puna concentran más del 80% de las reservas mundiales de este mineral estratégico, que podría convertir a...

Understanding Counterparty Risk Remains Essential In The Argentine Renewable Framework

 versión español Cecilia Fullone  Directora, S&P Global Ratings  The Republic of Argentina has stepped up plans   to restructure its power markets to incorporate more   renewable energy sources. The government’s goal is for   renewables to represent roughly half of all new power   generation capacity within 10 years. Considering the   currently very narrow gap between peak-time energy  ...

Editorial, A Promising Future

Versión español The National Government holds a firm commitment to  relaunching mining activity in Argentina.  There have been clear signs of this like the removal of  export taxes on this activity.   Currently, a bill is being hammered aimed at the approval of the New  Federal Mining Agreement. This instrument is expected to homogenise national ...

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