The progress of the project for the installation of the power generation plant has been presented. The combustion of the biomass is originated by the sub-products of the seed industry and the one coming from the municipalities and communes, generated by the trees pruning.
The presentation was made in the Theatre Italia. Companies like ADBlick Agro from Argentina, Bas Corporation and Global Dominion Access from Spain and the Union of Luz Y Fuerza of Rojas (CLYFER)were present. The municipal Mayor of Rojas, Claudio Rossi attended the event too and shared with the public present the progress of the megaproject for the generation of energy through Biomass.
The plan involves the installation of a power generation plant equipped with a steam turbine and a generator, powered by the use of biomass of plant origin.
This is a unique development as regards the combustion by boiler of the biomass of the cob and the chala that they not only reduce the environmental impact, but also generate jobs. At the stage of the plant construction, it is estimated that 300 jobs will be required for the following two years and then, while in operation , 30/40 direct jobs, plus three times more indirect jobs that will provide the plant with different services.
The implementation of the project will require an investment of about 45 million dollars and according to the deadlines set forth, the plant will be delivering energy by the end of 2020.
Currently, the” financial closing” deadlines are going by and in the following months the construction will start.
Biomasa Rojas S.A, has already signed a contract with the Company Electric Wholesale Market Administrator Anonymous Society.(CAMMESA). This agreement was endorsed at the headquarters of the Ministry of Energy of The Nation, within the framework of RenovAr 2.0 Programme, for the supply of electric power through renewable sources.
Biomasa Rojas S.A. was formed to meet this aim. This firm is composed by Clyfer plus three other private firms of the renewable energies sector: BAS Projects Corporation, Global Dominion Access from Spain and the Argentine ADBlick Agro.
ADBlick agro is a company committed to the development of different projects related to the agriculture . Currently, the firm has a diversified business portfolio with more than a thousand unique investors. For its part, BAS Corporation is a Spanish company with international presence, specialized in the development, promotion and construction of energy projects and industrial plants. On the other hand, Global Dominion Access works in the design and execution of projects, provision of operation and maintenance services, with wide experience in renewable energies.
About ADBlick Agro: It was founded by José Demicheli , in 2007 and is engaged with the study of opportunities in the world market, where the Argentine countryside and its productive complex
represent a comparative advantage and develop strategic alliances with the best producers of each specialty (grains, blueberries, organic honey, lambs, pecan nuts, olive trees and livestock).
It has about 60 million USD under its management and nowadays, it has more than 1,000 investors in its portfolio.

ADBlick’s intention is to become a synonymous of profitable and differentiated projects in the area of the agro businesses, offering high quality products to the world, where the Argentine countryside and the productive complex have a comparative advantage.