Great economic difficulties, an unprecedented world pandemic -still unsolved, a global drop in the price of the crude oil, lack of demand and storage capacity and a need for greater transport infrastructure are some of the problems to face, among many others.
But the capacity of our businessmen and workers, with policies with a certain duration in time, made it possible to cover 8 % of the national energy demand, coming from renewables. Argentina is among the three countries with the major potential for development in wind and solar energy worldwide.
Currently, Neuquén province accounts for 28 % of the country’s oil production as well as 55 % of gas production, with more than 70 % coming from the unconventional.
During the last seven years of development of the Non-Conventional, many important results have been achieved not only in Vaca Muerta but also in the country. It was possible to reverse the drop in both oil and gas production, which had been underway since the late 1990’s, early 2000’s and self-sufficiency was also achieved. Oil exports have increased. The governor of Neuquén said that «Vaca Muerta’s production reached the main shelves of international markets.»
It is promising what has been stated by Sergio Affronti, CEO of YPF, that in 6 months all equipment that had stopped working due to the pandemic will be active.
There has been an important activity in the fields of boilers, heating and process furnaces, incinerators and gas-oil separation equipment.
Argentina has natural resources, like few countries in the world, as well as skilled professionals and technicians. With intelligent and generous policies of development and a continuity that could go through different governments to achieve highly significant goals, conditions of sustained growth can be generated in accordance with the extraordinary wealth of our territory.
I invite you to read the notes of our edition where you will find more information about the sector and many important companies that are carrying out an efficient activity in our country. -Editorial-