Within the framework of the Arminera 2023 Exhibition, we had the honour to interview the Minister of Energy and mines of Perú, Oscar Vera Gargurevich.
The Minister was enthusiastic and optimistic about the opportunities offered by Perú as an investment destination in the mining and energy sector. The following are the highlights of the interview.
How do you feel Mr Minister about participating in this event?.
I am very happy to participate in this international exhibition that gives us the opportunity to show the high investment potential that Perú offers in the mining and energy sector.
As regulations and facilities have been implemented, investors have a significant and competitive access to our country, despite the circumstances we are going through.
What is the main focus you are looking for to exploit here in Argentina?.
This exhibition is a unique opportunity to show international investors the great investment potential that Perú has. We would like them to consider our country as an attractive destination for their investments. We have an investment portfolio that amounts to some fifty-three billion dollars and we expect to achieve important investments for approximately six billion dollars during the course of the year. These projects already have the necessary permits and are expected to start investing in the second half of the year. The presence of the private sector in Perú is a motivation for us and we are here to go on boosting opportunities in the mining industry.
Apart from attracting investments, what other goals are you seeking to achieve at the AR Mining Exhibition?.
Beyond attracting investments, we also want Argentinian companies to know Peruvian companies operating in the mining sector. We want to develop relations and dialogues between both nations, as we are brotherly nations with common interests. There are service and goods suppliers in Perú that could be interesting options to share or collaborate with other Argentinian companies in the sector. The idea is to foster rapprochement and mutual cooperation.
What is the kind of minerals that you think can bring about collaboration between Argentina and Perú?.
In this transition towards a more sustainable economy and committed to development, we want to focus on the production of strategic minerals, especially copper. Perú is already an important copper producer, but we seek to increase its production through investments. We are looking for private companies, whether Argentinian ones or companies from other parts of the world, to invest in Perú for the development of goods and services related to this mineral.
Is there any other specific goal you wish to achieve during this exhibition?
Yes, there is one. Apart from attracting investments and collaborating with Argentina, we seek to respond to the call made by the European Union to address the raw material crisis that the world is currently facing. Both Perú and Argentina have rich natural resources and our cooperation can help overcome the shortage of raw materials and contribute to the global economic development.
We hope that this dialogue and collaboration between brotherly countries and other international actors will be beneficial to all.
By the end of the interview, Minister of Energy and Mines of Perú , Oscar Vera Gargurevich expressed his gratitude and wished success to the participants of the Arminera Expo 2023. Perú’s presence at this international event has made it clear its commitment to the development of the mining and energy industry, as well as its interest in collaborating with other countries to face global challenges posed to raw materials.